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Focus Areas:

  • Genetic and developmental mechanisms underlying adaptive human sweat, hair, and mammary traits.

  • Genetic and cellular interactions controlling identity, differentiation, and patterning of the eccrine sweat gland.

  • Mechanisms of formation, action, and functional divergence of skin appendage mesenchymal niches. 

  • Regeneration of human eccrine sweat glands.

Hair and sweat glands in mouse feet

Hair and sweat glands in mouse feet

EDEN - mesenchymal niche of the developing eccrine sweat gland

EDEN - mesenchymal niche of the developing eccrine sweat gland

Developmental transcriptomes of the eccrine sweat gland epidermal program and its mesenchymal niche

Developmental transcriptomes of the eccrine sweat gland epidermal program and its mesenchymal niche

IF on adult human skin showing sweat gland secretory coils

IF on adult human skin showing sweat gland secretory coils

Section of adult human skin showing mautre eccrine sweat gland

Section of adult human skin showing mautre eccrine sweat gland

IF on developing human scalp skin showing eccrine sweat gland primordia next to mature hair follicle

IF on developing human scalp skin showing eccrine sweat gland primordia next to mature hair follicle

Section of transgenic mouse skin showing enhancer activity in eccrine forming epidermis

Section of transgenic mouse skin showing enhancer activity in eccrine forming epidermis

Expression of the eccrine identity determinant En1 in eccrine forming epidermis

Expression of the eccrine identity determinant En1 in eccrine forming epidermis

Mouse mammary gland tree with terminal end buds branching into the fat pad niche

Mouse mammary gland tree with terminal end buds branching into the fat pad niche

Section of developing human skin showing eccrine primordium and associated EDEN niche (yellow)

Section of developing human skin showing eccrine primordium and associated EDEN niche (yellow)

Human finger print with circular voids demarcating the openings of eccrine sweat glands

Human finger print with circular voids demarcating the openings of eccrine sweat glands

Regulatory divergence explains the evolution of the human sweat gland phenotype

Regulatory divergence explains the evolution of the human sweat gland phenotype

Stained section of rhesus macaque skin with multiple hair follicles and a single eccrine sweat glan

Stained section of rhesus macaque skin with multiple hair follicles and a single eccrine sweat glan

Mature mouse eccrine glands in the ventral paw pads

Mature mouse eccrine glands in the ventral paw pads

Department of Genetics
Perelman School of Medicine
University of Pennsylvania

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